Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Modeling Midterm's Essay

 Modeling Midterm's Answer


(Question 1

          Before start the task given, firstly I find the blueprint for the model as my task is to make a 3D model of robot. From the blueprint image that I’ve found, I then edited it in the Adobe Photoshop to have the better angle and position for the front view, back view and the side view of the image as my image reference. Then in the 3D maxs, I created a plane for the guide to make the robot. Then by using material editor (M), I map the texture by using the images references. From the plane and the image references as the guide, I can start modeling my 3D model.

Question 2

          Three steps of modeling that I have used in my modeling were the editable poly, boolean and the materials editor. When I used an object such as the sphere, I will convert it into editable poly. Then from the editable poly, we could find vertex, edges, border and polygon. From these four methods we can used to edit the sphere into different shape from the original sphere. There have also many different function in the modifier button that could helped us to edit our model. Then by using the boolean , we can created an hole in the object that we want. There have four type of boolean that we can used. The subtraction (A-B), the subtraction (B-A), the union and the intersection. Then the material editor  is used to putted the textures that we want on the object.

 Question 3

                   For the texturing for my model, I firstly find the textures in the internet. We can used the ‘png’ format or the ‘jpeg’ format for the texturing. Then click the material editor on the above column or we can just click the M keyboard, the shortcut key for the material editor. Then, from the material editor, click at the diffuse and then the bitmap to choose the textures. After that,  click on the chosen object. From the bitmap ,to appear the textures on the object, click the ‘assign material to selection’ and the ‘ show shaded material in viewport’.

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