Tuesday, 19 November 2013

E Modeling Test

Mohd Nazri Bin Idris

Preparing Reference
Firstly I look out for a reference on the website.Then,I pick a suitable image,(blueprint) with 2 important view need to be imported to 3dsmax.The important view is front and left view. Before both file imported to 3ds max, firstly the image need to be touch up first at Adobe Photoshop. This will ensure that the alignment of the body is center both front and left view. Then imported to 3d max by placing the image at :- folder-3ds max file-scene asset-images. Then open 3ds max, and open the files of the image. The image will be place on a plain. After done placing, cross both image so it will look like 3d character. This will be easier to trace later.

The method that I used is, firstly by “extruding” standard object such basic shape (box) at modifier list. The box can be converted to editable poly so that it can be adjust the shape later. To see it clearly, change the view to wireframe view, so that you can see where the point. To adjusting it, select vertex, edges, border etc, then select the gizmo area (x, y, z) that need to be modified. W is the select key. The second method is using “Boolean”. This option can be found at compound object. Different object will be combined together to create new object using several operation such as subtraction, union and so on. The third method is “cloning/duplicating”. The character that used is similar both side.so by duplicating, it will be easier and both path will parallel both side.

Map textures

Firstly open Modifier (M).Then a box will appeared. Change to compact material modes. Select on the ball image, it will appeared name default-01.rename it, so that you can differentiate the colors later. Select Basic Shader Parameter, turn it to Metal, then at Metal Parameter select Diffuse, and pick a color. To make it more realistic, adjust the Spectacular Highlights and change the number of the Level, and Glossiness. Spectacular level is around 75, and glossiness is around 65.Drag the color chosen into a model part.

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