Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Tips on creating your virtual gallery

As I mentioned in the briefing of course structure, this course would expect you to apply the theory you learned from other courses (e.g. Design Aesthetics) when creating 3D models. 

For the first assignment, you are required to create your virtual gallery in order to show off the artwork and design work of yours. By referring to Donald Norman's three levels of emotional design, you should first think about how you want visitors to your virtual gallery feel when they visit the gallery for the first time. Happy? Sad? Excited? Angry? You need to decide how you want them to feel.

Then you think about what you want the visitors to do--the behavioural level of emotional design. Your virtual camera plus narration should guide them in the gallery. You have to decide where you want them to stop, fly-through, turnaround, etc. 

Finally, you should lead the visitors to the highlight of the gallery--your best artwork or design work. This is where the reflective level takes place and you should apply the staging principle here. Herewith a good example of a virtual gallery: The Shipping Galleries.


Assignment 1: Creating your virtual gallery


This assignment requires students to create a 3D virtual gallery that features artworks and design works produced by individual students in past semesters.


Upon the completion of this assignment, students should be able to:

- Perform basic modeling techniques in the production development process. (C3, P6)


  1. Digitize at least 10 personal artworks or design works produced in past semesters. 
  2. Design the blueprint (top, front, side and perspective views) of a virtual gallery to showcase your digitized artworks or design works. 
  3. Determine the materials for all elements in the gallery. 
  4. Model the gallery in 3ds Max using three basic modeling techniques with reference to the blueprint. 
  5. Texture the gallery according to the predetermined materials. 
  6. Model the display frames / cases for all the artworks and design works. 
  7. Map individual display frames with digitized artworks and design works. 
  8. Set up lighting for the gallery. 
  9. Set up and animate a camera that flies through the gallery for 30 seconds, using path animation. 
  10. Record your narrations that describe every artwork. 
  11. Export the completed animation in a movie format (swf, mov or avi). 
  12. Upload your animation to YouTube

Submission channels:

Post your YouTube video link to MMG3083 Facebook Group by Week 4

The weight of this assignment is 20%

Your work would be graded base on the following criteria:

Gallery blueprint
Camera setting & animation


Monday, 9 September 2013

Cloud authoring

I created this blog during the first class (9 Sep 13), and invited all the students of the course to be the authors of this blog. After that, I set an assignment for this "cloud authoring" effort, and allocated 10% of the overall course work marks. I expect the students to report what they are creating duing Practical sessions. I strongly believe that the capability of degree level students should include reporting what and how they create 3D works.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Welcome to Modeling @ UPSI

This is a blog created for students in UPSI who study Modeling for the Bachelor of Design (Animation) with honours programme.